Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How is job hunting like fishing?

How are job hunting and fishing alike? Lets take a look....

While fishing, an expereinced fisherman knows exactly what bait to bring with him because he knows which bait will catch the fish he wants fish. An inexperienced fisherman brings more than one kind of bait, randomly chooses which bait to use, then crosses his fingers and hopes for a bite. The experienced fisherman knows how to prepare his fish for consumption also. The inexperienced fisherman catches the fish, and gets so excited that he forgets he still has to figure out how to prepare and cook it, or he will go hungry that night.

The same goes for job hunting. While job hunting, the experienced job hunter knows what information to put in his/her cover letter and resume. The inexperienced job hunter just throws all the experience they can think of on their resume, crosses their fingers, and hopes they get an interview at all. Once the interview comes, the experienced job hunter knows exactly how to prepare for his interview, so he can effortlessly impress the potential employer. If the interview comes for the inexperienced job hunter, they will get so excited that they forget that they still have to figure out how to prepare for their interview, so they arrive at their interview unprepared and obviously nervous with no skills to help them in the situation.

Now what are the chances you are an experienced job hunter? Well consider this... most people spend the majority of their lives working in a job that they would like to keep because it provides them with a life style right? So it would be reasonable to say that most people try not to spend a lot of time gaining expereinces in job hunting correct?

If you feel that you could use a brush up on your interview or resume/cover letter skills please text or call us at 713-935-5820 to schedule your free consultation call. See our Services page for pricing details.

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